Shopify Comparison Table – Product & Service Feature Comparison

Add a customizable comparison table to your Shopify store to highlight your product or service advantages. Features benefit lists, checkmarks, and side-by-side comparison with competitors. Fully responsive with customizable colors and styling.
Liquid Code
<!-- ======================================== Section Name: Comparison Table Tech Stack: Liquid, HTML, CSS, JavaScript What This Section Does: - Displays a customizable comparison table highlighting differences between your offerings and competitors. - Features interactive checkmarks and X marks for clear visual comparison. - Includes a benefits list section with customizable text and icons. - Fully responsive design with flexible layouts for all device sizes. Promotion: Showcase your competitive advantages with a professional comparison table. Perfect for product features, pricing plans, or service offerings. Get it now at [PrebuiltTemplates]( ======================================== --> {% comment %} Section: Custom Comparison Table - Fully customizable with section and block schema - Responsive design for all devices - Dynamic content blocks for benefits and comparison rows - Color and text size controls {% endcomment %} <section class="comparison-table-section" style="background-color: {{ section.settings.background_color }}; color: {{ section.settings.text_color }}; padding-top: {{ section.settings.padding_top }}px; padding-bottom: {{ section.settings.padding_bottom }}px;"> <div class="page-width"> <div class="comparison-wrapper"> <div class="comparison-content"> {% if section.settings.heading != blank %} <h2 class="comparison-heading" style="font-size: {{ section.settings.heading_size }}px; color: {{ section.settings.heading_color }};"> {{ section.settings.heading }} </h2> {% endif %} {% if section.settings.subheading != blank %} <div class="comparison-subheading" style="font-size: {{ section.settings.subheading_size }}px; color: {{ section.settings.subheading_color }};"> {{ section.settings.subheading }} </div> {% endif %} <div class="benefits-list" style="margin-top: {{ section.settings.benefits_spacing }}px;"> {% for block in section.blocks %} {% if block.type == 'benefit_item' %} <div class="benefit-item" {{ block.shopify_attributes }}> <div class="benefit-icon" style="color: {{ section.settings.checkmark_color }};"> <svg xmlns="" width="{{ section.settings.icon_size }}" height="{{ section.settings.icon_size }}" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"> <circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"></circle> <path d="M8 12l2 2 5-5"></path> </svg> </div> <div class="benefit-text" style="font-size: {{ section.settings.benefits_text_size }}px;"> {{ block.settings.benefit_text }} </div> </div> {% endif %} {% endfor %} </div> {% if section.settings.button_text != blank %} <div class="cta-container" style="margin-top: {{ section.settings.button_spacing }}px;"> <a href="{{ section.settings.button_link }}" class="cta-button" style="background-color: {{ section.settings.button_bg_color }}; color: {{ section.settings.button_text_color }}; font-size: {{ section.settings.button_text_size }}px;"> {{ section.settings.button_text }} </a> </div> {% endif %} </div> <div class="comparison-table"> <div class="table-header"> <div class="our-brand-header"> </div> <div class="our-brand-header" style="background-color: {{ section.settings.our_column_color }}; color: {{ section.settings.our_column_text_color }}; font-size: {{ section.settings.column_header_size }}px;"> {{ section.settings.our_brand_text }} </div> <div class="other-brand-header" style="background-color: {{ section.settings.other_column_color }}; color: {{ section.settings.other_column_text_color }}; font-size: {{ section.settings.column_header_size }}px;"> {{ section.settings.other_brand_text }} </div> </div> {% for block in section.blocks %} {% if block.type == 'comparison_row' %} <div class="table-row" {{ block.shopify_attributes }}> <div class="feature-name" style="font-size: {{ section.settings.feature_text_size }}px;"> {{ block.settings.feature_name }} </div> <div class="our-value" style="background-color: {{ section.settings.our_column_color }}; color: {{ section.settings.our_column_text_color }};"> {% if block.settings.our_has_feature %} <span class="check-icon" style="color: {{ section.settings.check_color }};"> <svg xmlns="" width="{{ section.settings.table_icon_size }}" height="{{ section.settings.table_icon_size }}" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"> <polyline points="20 6 9 17 4 12"></polyline> </svg> </span> {% else %} <span class="x-icon" style="color: {{ section.settings.x_color }};"> <svg xmlns="" width="{{ section.settings.table_icon_size }}" height="{{ section.settings.table_icon_size }}" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"> <line x1="18" y1="6" x2="6" y2="18"></line> <line x1="6" y1="6" x2="18" y2="18"></line> </svg> </span> {% endif %} </div> <div class="other-value" style="background-color: {{ section.settings.other_column_color }}; color: {{ section.settings.other_column_text_color }};"> {% if block.settings.other_has_feature %} <span class="check-icon" style="color: {{ section.settings.check_color }};"> <svg xmlns="" width="{{ section.settings.table_icon_size }}" height="{{ section.settings.table_icon_size }}" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"> <polyline points="20 6 9 17 4 12"></polyline> </svg> </span> {% else %} <span class="x-icon" style="color: {{ section.settings.x_color }};"> <svg xmlns="" width="{{ section.settings.table_icon_size }}" height="{{ section.settings.table_icon_size }}" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"> <line x1="18" y1="6" x2="6" y2="18"></line> <line x1="6" y1="6" x2="18" y2="18"></line> </svg> </span> {% endif %} </div> </div> {% endif %} {% endfor %} </div> </div> </div> </section> <style> .comparison-table-section { width: 100%; } .page-width { max-width: 1200px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 20px; } .comparison-wrapper { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: flex-start; gap: 40px; } .comparison-content { flex: 1; min-width: 300px; } .comparison-heading { margin: 0 0 15px; font-weight: 700; line-height: 1.2; } .comparison-subheading { margin-bottom: 30px; line-height: 1.5; } .benefits-list { display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: 20px; } .benefit-item { display: flex; align-items: center; gap: 15px; } .benefit-icon { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; flex-shrink: 0; } .benefit-text { line-height: 1.4; } .cta-container { margin-top: 30px; } .cta-button { display: inline-block; padding: 14px 28px; text-decoration: none; border-radius: 100px; font-weight: 600; text-align: center; transition: background-color 0.3s, transform 0.2s; } .cta-button:hover { transform: translateY(-2px); } .comparison-table { flex: 1; min-width: 300px; border-radius: 8px; overflow: hidden; box-shadow: 0 4px 12px rgba(0,0,0,0.08); } .table-header { display: flex; } .our-brand-header, .other-brand-header { flex: 1; padding: 15px; text-align: center; font-weight: 600; } .table-row { display: flex; border-top: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1); } .feature-name { flex: 1; padding: 15px; background-color: #f5f5f5; display: flex; align-items: center; } .our-value, .other-value { flex: 1; padding: 15px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } .check-icon, .x-icon { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { .comparison-wrapper { flex-direction: column; gap: 30px; } .comparison-content, .comparison-table { width: 100%; } .table-row { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); } .feature-name { padding: 12px 10px; } .our-value, .other-value { padding: 12px 5px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 480px) { .table-row { font-size: 14px; } .feature-name, .our-value, .other-value { padding: 10px 5px; } } </style> {% schema %} { "name": "Comparison Table", "tag": "section", "class": "section", "settings": [ { "type": "header", "content": "Layout Settings" }, { "type": "color", "id": "background_color", "label": "Background Color", "default": "#f9f6ff" }, { "type": "color", "id": "text_color", "label": "Text Color", "default": "#333333" }, { "type": "range", "id": "padding_top", "min": 0, "max": 100, "step": 5, "unit": "px", "label": "Top Padding", "default": 60 }, { "type": "range", "id": "padding_bottom", "min": 0, "max": 100, "step": 5, "unit": "px", "label": "Bottom Padding", "default": 60 }, { "type": "header", "content": "Content Settings" }, { "type": "text", "id": "heading", "label": "Heading", "default": " vs Others" }, { "type": "range", "id": "heading_size", "min": 20, "max": 60, "step": 1, "unit": "px", "label": "Heading Size", "default": 36 }, { "type": "color", "id": "heading_color", "label": "Heading Color", "default": "#1a1a1a" }, { "type": "textarea", "id": "subheading", "label": "Subheading", "default": "We offer premium features at no cost, unlike many other template providers." }, { "type": "range", "id": "subheading_size", "min": 12, "max": 30, "step": 1, "unit": "px", "label": "Subheading Size", "default": 16 }, { "type": "color", "id": "subheading_color", "label": "Subheading Color", "default": "#4a4a4a" }, { "type": "range", "id": "benefits_spacing", "min": 20, "max": 80, "step": 5, "unit": "px", "label": "Benefits List Top Spacing", "default": 30 }, { "type": "range", "id": "benefits_text_size", "min": 12, "max": 24, "step": 1, "unit": "px", "label": "Benefits Text Size", "default": 16 }, { "type": "range", "id": "icon_size", "min": 16, "max": 32, "step": 2, "unit": "px", "label": "Benefit Icon Size", "default": 24 }, { "type": "color", "id": "checkmark_color", "label": "Benefit Checkmark Color", "default": "#1a1a1a" }, { "type": "header", "content": "CTA Button" }, { "type": "text", "id": "button_text", "label": "Button Text", "default": "BROWSE TEMPLATES" }, { "type": "url", "id": "button_link", "label": "Button Link" }, { "type": "range", "id": "button_text_size", "min": 12, "max": 24, "step": 1, "unit": "px", "label": "Button Text Size", "default": 16 }, { "type": "color", "id": "button_bg_color", "label": "Button Background Color", "default": "#1a1a2e" }, { "type": "color", "id": "button_text_color", "label": "Button Text Color", "default": "#ffffff" }, { "type": "range", "id": "button_spacing", "min": 20, "max": 80, "step": 5, "unit": "px", "label": "Button Top Spacing", "default": 40 }, { "type": "header", "content": "Table Settings" }, { "type": "text", "id": "our_brand_text", "label": "Our Column Header", "default": "" }, { "type": "text", "id": "other_brand_text", "label": "Other Column Header", "default": "Other Providers" }, { "type": "range", "id": "column_header_size", "min": 12, "max": 24, "step": 1, "unit": "px", "label": "Column Header Text Size", "default": 16 }, { "type": "color", "id": "our_column_color", "label": "Our Column Color", "default": "#1a1a2e" }, { "type": "color", "id": "our_column_text_color", "label": "Our Column Text Color", "default": "#ffffff" }, { "type": "color", "id": "other_column_color", "label": "Other Column Color", "default": "#ffffff" }, { "type": "color", "id": "other_column_text_color", "label": "Other Column Text Color", "default": "#1a1a1a" }, { "type": "range", "id": "feature_text_size", "min": 12, "max": 20, "step": 1, "unit": "px", "label": "Feature Text Size", "default": 15 }, { "type": "range", "id": "table_icon_size", "min": 16, "max": 32, "step": 2, "unit": "px", "label": "Table Icons Size", "default": 24 }, { "type": "color", "id": "check_color", "label": "Checkmark Color", "default": "#7fad39" }, { "type": "color", "id": "x_color", "label": "X Mark Color", "default": "#e65656" } ], "blocks": [ { "type": "benefit_item", "name": "Benefit Item", "settings": [ { "type": "text", "id": "benefit_text", "label": "Benefit Text", "default": "Free high-quality templates" } ] }, { "type": "comparison_row", "name": "Comparison Row", "settings": [ { "type": "text", "id": "feature_name", "label": "Feature Name", "default": "Responsive Design" }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "our_has_feature", "label": "Our Service Has This Feature", "default": true }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "other_has_feature", "label": "Other Services Have This Feature", "default": false } ] } ], "presets": [ { "name": "Comparison Table", "blocks": [ { "type": "benefit_item", "settings": { "benefit_text": "Free high-quality templates" } }, { "type": "benefit_item", "settings": { "benefit_text": "SEO-optimized code" } }, { "type": "benefit_item", "settings": { "benefit_text": "Regular updates & support" } }, { "type": "benefit_item", "settings": { "benefit_text": "No licensing restrictions" } }, { "type": "comparison_row", "settings": { "feature_name": "Responsive Design", "our_has_feature": true, "other_has_feature": true } }, { "type": "comparison_row", "settings": { "feature_name": "Free Forever", "our_has_feature": true, "other_has_feature": false } }, { "type": "comparison_row", "settings": { "feature_name": "Premium Support", "our_has_feature": true, "other_has_feature": false } }, { "type": "comparison_row", "settings": { "feature_name": "Custom Sections", "our_has_feature": true, "other_has_feature": false } } ] } ] } {% endschema %}